La Lune is founded in late 2017 by Vicki Virus (aka Quách Đắc Thắng). 


    It is a brand inspired and followed heavily with the concept of “demi-couture” which expresses itself through a variety of handcrafted details and exquisite designs in limited production quantity. La Lune’s aim is to combine and balance two opposite elements in each design, to create a look that is both elegant and bold; both modest and provocative; both poetic yet realistic; both fantasy and realism at the same time. Combining such contrast elements together in a design, La Lune wishes to expose the beauty of the human body. To create a nostalgic feeling in a modern time.


    Along with the pursuit of creativity and beauty, La Lune is also aware of the impact of the fashion industry to the environment and we wish to do our best to minimize our impacts to the environment. In order to do so, we use mainly recycled or deadstock fabrics for our items. With this choice, our items usually have very limited quantity and we hope that we can reduce our carbon footprint in general; although we understand that there is still a long road ahead of us before we can achieve a total green business, we believe it is an achievable and noble goal to pursue.